Trump Signs Executive Orders Proclaiming Only Two Biological Sexes, Halting Diversity Programs

Moments after taking the oath of office, President Donald Trump began fulfilling many of his campaign promises. Amid a flurry of executive order signings, there were numerous significant actions—so many, in fact, that the media struggled to decide which ones outraged them the most.

One executive order that had those with common sense saying, “Thank you,” was the one recognizing the existence of only two biological sexes. The order states: “It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female.” This measure will end “radical and wasteful diversity, equity, and inclusion programs within federal agencies.” As expected, this sanity-restoring agenda has left certain individuals in a state of hysteria. It stands in stark contrast to the previous illogical pandering to a mentally ill minority. Here are my thoughts:

This is common sense.

I am not a farmer, but I have spent time around farms and farmers, and I have never heard a farmer complain about a transgender goat or chicken being born. Even animals instinctively recognize that there are only two genders: male and female.

This is Scriptural.

Genesis 1:27 says, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. God the Creator of all life declared He only created male and female. Trump’s order simply restates what God has already established. Those who are outraged at Trump’s order are ultimately angry at God for establishing His order.

This is scientific.

It turns out that the political party constantly telling us to “follow the science” is actually terrible at science! Science confirms that there are only two sexes or genders: male and female. God created them both distinct, and they are different because they serve different purposes. To deny the science is to deny the purpose, and to deny the purpose is to deny the Creator.

This is sane.

Those who believe they can change their gender or invent new ones are mentally ill. More specifically, this is evidence of a reprobate mind and reprobate thinking that exists within a perverse society. This executive order, stating that there are only two sexes, is simply declaring a position of sanity.

It is sad that a president had to take the time to affirm what should be obvious. I applaud President Trump for making a clear designation for what we, as Americans and as people, know to be true.

We are either male and female. God made each of us with a purpose in mind.

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