Lock the Clock


In a press release by his office on January 8, Senator Rick Scott reintroduced the bipartisan Sunshine Protection Act that would officially “lock the clock,” ending the twice-yearly time change. This would make daylight saving time the national year-round standard, and changing our clocks twice a year would become unnecessary. Senator Rick Scott said, “I hear from Americans constantly that they are sick and tired of changing their clocks twice a year—it’s an unnecessary, decades-old practice that’s more of an annoyance to families than benefit to them.”

From a pastor’s perspective, this change would keep me from having to wonder who would forget to change his clock on those two Sundays a year. I would no longer need to consider who would be early or late because he forgot the time change. Practically, this makes sense, and I am all for change for the better.

Now, from a political perspective, this legislation has some bi-partisan support. Senator Scott called this act a “common-sense change.”

So, it is no wonder that opposing political parties found some “common ground” to advance a bill they believe would benefit the American people. It would be unlikely to get opposition from senators for the sake of opposition, a rare occurrence in our houses of government these days.

Imagine if these elected officials were to find common ground on lowering taxes, fighting inflation, and deregulation—you know, all the things that really matter and have real benefit to the American people’s prosperity. After all, did we not elected them to work on these exact things in the first place? Now that would be some “common-sense change!”

Oh, well…for now, perhaps we can enjoy a bit more sunshine.

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