“Hitler” Set To Be Inaugurated Four Years After the End of America

Today marks a historic day in our nation’s history. Donald J. Trump, who was our nation’s 45th president, will be sworn in as our 47th president of the United States of America. Only one other time in our nation’s history has a president served nonconsecutive terms. Grover Cleveland was our 22nd and our 24th president. Although some controversy persisted in the case of Cleveland, nothing in recent history compares to the tumultuous presidential elections involving Donald Trump.

Today is also significant because, just four years ago, many on the conservative side were declaring it to be the “end of America” and the “last election we will ever have.” The inauguration of Joe Biden, after so many election anomalies were swept “under the rug,” left copious questions regarding the future of our nation. Likewise, those on the other end of the spectrum today are doing the same thing in declaring the “end of America” as they liken President Trump to Hitler. For us as Americans and as Christians, there is a lesson to be learned here because neither of these assumptions are true. This setting provides us with some good reminders.

Historic is not the same as hysterical.

During historic events, people have a tendency to become hysterical. We have a propensity to let passions lead us and often cause us to overreact. The title of this report illustrates how the pendulum can swing from one extreme to the opposite extreme very quickly.

We have faced darker days.

Four years ago, I heard the inauguration of Joe Biden and the events surrounding it often described as the “darkest days in American history.” As a student of history, I was left scratching my head at this assertion, for certainly, there were darker days during the Civil War. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy assassination, and 9/11 were much darker. I am not minimizing the damage inflicted by the 2020 election and the Biden presidency; but comparably speaking, America has survived much worse.

Righteousness exalts a nation; Republicans do not.

As Christians, we must keep proper perspective on what the Bible says will exalt our nation. The Republicans are not the answer. Conservatism and Christianity are NOT the same; conservatism is a movement that elevates itself above God in many respects. Regardless, it is not the answer. Christian, God’s church is the answer. Bible living is the answer. The message of repentance is the answer.

King Jesus is the only ruler that will save us.

I am glad Donald Trump won the presidential election. I believe that he loves our country and that his policies can greatly help America. God can use him to do some good things for us. However, he is not our savior. Only King Jesus will save us. I will pray for President Trump as I did for President Biden, but I am looking for King Jesus.

Let us do whatever we can to make our nation prosperous. Let us also keep the right perspective. Our nation ultimately is not in control of some mysterious group of people. Scripture teaches us there are principalities and wickedness in high places.

We are engaged in a spiritual war.

May we act accordingly.

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