Churches Fight to Stay Open as Attendance Dwindles

Declining church attendance in America was the subject of a recent ABC News article. Using poll data and interviews, a bleak picture of the number of Americans attending church was painted. The reason for the church’s decline can be found in the article itself. Here are a few observations:

Doctrine matters.

All churches are not the same. In the above-cited article, only mainstream denominations were interviewed. Any Bible believer understands that the Catholic church and the Methodist church are not the same as the New Testament church. There are no conversions with the false doctrine of these churches. The interview of a “woman pastor” encapsulates this doctrinal problem.

The independence of the New Testament Church matters.

I am not disputing declining church attendance across our country, but the cited article does not consider the Bible-believing churches that exist in small towns and out-of-the-way places. These churches are not reporting their numbers to a body politic to determine their health. I maintain the spiritual strength of our nation in the small-town church that meets faithfully and is comprised of “salt of the earth” people. This does not minimize those of us in large cities but points out the oft-overlooked band of believers who are their town’s moral and spiritual rudder.

America is a mission field.

We must focus on Jerusalem. Our churches need revival, and with that comes a renewed effort to get the gospel to our communities. We must look at our own nation as a mission field and be willing to use our resources, such as labor and finances, to reach America. Missionaries to our neighbors, schools, workplaces, and large cities are vital.

Dead churches are not the solution. I have often said, “Life is too short to attend a dead church.” Evidence of life is not in a spirited praise band but in new birth. A dead church has no working of the Spirit and subsequently sees no conversion of souls. Preachers must preach with fervency and power. Churches must present themselves holy, and we must operate our churches by scriptural implementation and not by conventional tradition and ritual.

While it is disappointing that church attendance is declining, I am not distressed over the fewer people attending the Catholic church. In fact, I see this as an opportunity to make a difference in this generation for the gospel. Let us also not bemoan declining church attendance and then not be part of the solution.

Go to church. Stay in church. Bring others to church.

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