Singer Selena Gomez posted a video of herself crying over the targeting of “her people” for deportation. It is no secret the Trump administration has prioritized the deportation of violent criminal aliens who are in the United States illegally. Gomez received immediate backlash from political pundits and ordinary citizens, including those in the Hispanic community. The harsh but appropriate reaction caused her to quickly delete the video––but not before it circulated on social media.
Sadly, Gomez’s actions encapsulate the self-indulgent, condescending behavior of the celebrity class. She might have thought this video would reveal compassion, but instead, it reveals the following:
She is un-American.
Gomez bemoans the fact that all “her people” are being targeted. Bear in mind the people actually being targeted are not citizens of this country. Gomez was born in Texas, yet she identifies “her people”––not her natural born countrymen––as the criminal invaders from another country. Not only are these aliens not Americans, but they are also criminals, including murderers, rapists, and pedophiles. One must wonder why she feels these types of people are “her people.”
She is hypocritical.
I wonder how many “asylum seekers” Gomez, who has a $1.3 billion net worth, offered to house in her 11,483-square-foot California mansion. Where was her outrage over those murdered at the hands of those now being deported? Where was her devastated, tearful outburst over the communities destroyed by lawlessness? It seems Gomez only cares when she thinks she has something to gain.
She is detached from reality.
Like most celebrities, Gomez has no sense of reality. Those with money and fame know little to nothing of the struggles and challenges of everyday life. This is one reason why it is foolish to value the opinion of an individual who has no bearing on the reality of the average person.
Be extremely wary of those who virtue signal, whether they are celebrities or not. This behavior is simply an attempt to make a situation or circumstance about themselves: “Look at me–I care,” or “Look at me–I have compassion.” The reality is that it takes more than a posted video to make a difference. Sadly, many Christians get caught up in similar behavior on social media. We want to broadcast how genuine and real we are. A better way to do this is to just be genuine and real.
Sad to say, but it is easy to be ashamed of Americans who are ashamed of the country that made them wealthy and famous.